About Me

Curiosity drives me. Learning and relearning is the joy of living. I keep my very analytical mind busy with new things as I step forward passionately into the future that I choose for myself.

I enjoy writing, Books & Zines, check them out.

I am a positive existentialist. Existence precedes essence. I know myself by creating myself. I fake it and face it 'till I make it. I use neuroplasticity in my favor. I am water, my friend...

I am also a little bit of a biohacker. I explore ways of guiding my body towards specific goals. More energy throughout the day, better sleep, control of mood and temporary reactive states, ...

And I do all of it lovingly and valuing my emotions, never dismissing them. The interplay of body, mind, and emotions fascinates me. I write about it in my academic work.

I love the academic world. The campus life. I work and study there and am fortunate to meet incredibly amazing people all the time.

In my professional work I support activities around research and sponsored projects. I have also past experience in analytics, among other many things.

I have many interests, including writing, music, painting, resin jewelry, and mysticism. I explore them in my other interests pages.

So that's it for now. Please look around this website and pinch me when you see me, just so I know I'm not dreaming. I haven't been pinched in a dream yet. Anyway. Thank you for dropping in! Let's stay in touch. :)